Order Policy:

  1. Order Processing Fee (OPF): A non-refundable order processing fee of 5% of the total order amount will be charged at the time of purchase. This fee covers administrative costs and is not refundable under any circumstances.

  2. Non-Fulfillable Orders: In cases where an order cannot be fulfilled due to shipping issues, supplier problems, stock availability, or other unforeseen circumstances, customers are eligible for a full refund of the purchase price, excluding the Order Processing Fee (OPF). We will notify customers as soon as an issue is detected to arrange for a refund.

  3. Order Cancellation and Refund Policy: Once an order has been dispatched, we are unable to cancel the order or offer a refund. We encourage customers to review their orders carefully before confirmation to ensure accuracy.

Return/Refund Policies:

  1. No Returns Policy: We do not accept returns or exchanges unless the item you purchased is defective or not as described. We strive to provide detailed descriptions and high-quality images of our products to help you make informed decisions before making a purchase.

  2. Partial Refunds for Defective or Not as Described Items: If you receive an item that is defective, damaged, or significantly different from its description on our website, you may be eligible for a partial refund. To initiate a claim, please contact our customer service team within 7 days of receiving your order with the following information:

    • Order number
    • Detailed description of the issue
    • Photographic evidence of the defect or discrepancy

Upon receipt of your claim, our team will evaluate the situation and, if your claim is approved, we will process a partial refund. The refund amount will be determined based on the nature of the defect or discrepancy and the total value of your order, excluding the Order Processing Fee (OPF).

Important Notes:

  • All claims for defective or not as described items must be submitted within the specified time frame after receiving your order. Claims submitted after this period will not be eligible for a refund.
  • Refunds will be processed to the original method of payment within up to 14 days of claim approval.
  • We reserve the right to amend this policy at any time without prior notice. Your continued use of our services following any changes signifies your acceptance of these changes.